Saturday, April 14, 2012

Josh and Amanda's Wedding, Part 2...The Ceremony

I have to say, the ceremony was difficult to photograph-it was rather dark in the chapel, and many tears of joy were shed (by me as much as anyone else, so my hands were not as steady as they needed to be, but I love the emotions, so I am sharing anyway).
Josh, waiting for his bride:
 He sees her now, and eyes filled:

They all came together at the alter:

And we all got a chuckle when Amanda wiped Josh's nose:
I loved how they made Porter such a big part of the ceremony:
Josh made vows to him too:

And they knelt together in prayer:

Porter wrapped his arms around the altar:
They lit the Unity candle together:
They had a solo by Jane Storie:

And Josh finally got his kiss:

Congratulations to the Josh Griggs family! I love my new sister and nephew and welcome them to the family!

Porter was happy to get some time with his Mommy after the ceremony (It was so cute to see him play with her dress and pretty curls):
We got a few picures in the foyer of the church before heading to Ellendale's for the reception:

And...I will finish up tomorrow with the reception photos, so be sure to follow me or drop back by!


  1. Charming shots - I even teared up a little - what a lovely ceremony it must have been. Congrats and best wishes to you all.

  2. Margie, thanks for capturing the emotions.....lovely. Circumstances may have made getting good shots difficult...but you def overcame them!! Great job.
    Debby Anderson

  3. You did a wonderful job capturing this special day of your brother and his wife. Well done!

  4. i love the shot of the little hand in her curls. sweet.

  5. Love, love the emotion you have captured in these! The one of the little boy from the back holding to the grooms leg is so cute.
